Speaker’s Profile:
Dr Shahid Rashid is the Executive Director of the Centre of Excellence of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CE-CPEC), Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), Islamabad. The CE-CPEC is envisioned as an apex research center to work as a think tank to reap the true spirit of the CPEC portfolio; energy, infrastructure, Gwadar and industrial cooperation to support the broader initiatives namely Pakistan Vision 2025 and One Belt One Road (OBOR). Dr Shahid Rashid has a doctoral degree from Loughborough University, UK with specialization in the field of Supply Chain Management. He has over 16 years of extensive experience in the public and private sector, which includes the CPEC Secretariat at the Ministry of Planning Development & Reform (Mo PD&R), National Development Complex (NDC), and postgraduate teaching positions at several universities.
Session Outline:
Dr Rashid will talk about the current projects of CPEC and its socioeconomic impacts; the prospects of CPEC for the business community and the society at large. He will also discuss the future of CPEC and the way forward. He will share factual and research based responses to frequently asked questions by the business community and society on this topic. Through this interactive session, he would be happy to take questions and comments from the audience in order to encourage knowledge sharing of this long term portfolio of national importance.