Faculty Profile

Dr. Faiza Ali

Associate Professor

Suleman Dawood School of Business

Dr. Faiza Ali has joined us as Assistant Professor - Tenure Track in the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB).

Dr. Ali obtained her PhD in Management from Macquarie University, Australia in 2013. Her PhD research inquiries into the prospects for equal employment opportunities for women in Pakistani organizations. She received her MBA from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad in 2001 and MSc in Economics from University of the Punjab, Lahore in 1999. Prior to joining LUMS, she was associated with Liverpool John Moores University, UK as Senior Lecturer in Business Management.

Dr. Ali is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK) and Academic Member of Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), UK.

Dr. Ali has numerous renowned publications to her name, some of which are:

·       Murray, P., & Ali, F. (2016). Agency in decision making and the coping strategies of ethnic female employees. International Journal of Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1166787

·       Ali, F., & Kramar, R. (2015). An exploratory study of sexual harassment in Pakistani organisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(1), 229-249.

·       Ali, F. (2013). A multi-level perspective on equal employment opportunity for women in Pakistan, Equality Diversity and Inclusion, 32(3), 289-309.

·       Syed, J., & Ali, F. (2013). Contextual emotional labour: an exploratory study of Muslim female employees in Pakistan, Gender in Management: an International Journal, 28(4), 228-246.

Her research interests include:

·       Diversity management

·       Gender equality

·       Cross cultural management issues

      • Ali, F. (2021). Pio, E., Smollan, R., Ali, F., & Syed, J. (2021). Senior Executives Integrating Refugees and Migrants at Work: A New Zealand Qualitative Study. New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management, 21(2).. New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management.

      • Ali, F. (2021). Ali, F., Hennekam, S., Syed, J., Ahmed, A., & Mubashar, R. (2021). Labour market inclusion of Afghan refugees in Pakistan through Bourdieu's theory of capital. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

      • Ali, F. (2021). A Pyramid of Hate Perspective on Religious Bias, Discrimination and Violence. Journal of Business Ethics.

      • Syed, J. & Ali, F. (2019). Theorizing equal opportunity in Muslim majority countries. Gender, Work & Organization, 26 (11), 1621-1639.

      • Hennekam, S., Ali, F., Syed, J. & Dumazert & Dumazert, J. (2019). A multilevel perspective of the identity transition to motherhood. Gender, Work & Organization, 26 (7), 915-933.

      • Syed, J. & Ali, F. (2019). A relational perspective on gender equality and mainstreaming. Human Resource Development International, 22 (1), 4-24.

      • Syed, J., Metcalfe, B., Ali, F. & Ekuma & Ekuma, K. (2018). Critical perspectives of HRD and social transformation in sub-Saharan Africa. Human Resource Development International, 21 (5), 4-24, doi:doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2018.1522726.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2018). Good Muslim women at work: An Islamic and postcolonial perspective on ethnic privilege. Journal of Management & Organization, doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2018.22.

      • Hennekam, S., Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2018). Gender Equality in Employment in Saudi Arabia: A Relational Perspective. Career Development International, 23 (2), 163-177.

      • Ali, F. (2017). Agency in decision making and the coping strategies of ethnic female employees. International Journal of Human Resource Management.. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28 (8), 1236-1260.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2017). From Rhetoric to Reality: a Multilevel Analysis of Gender Equality in Pakistani Organizations. Gender, Work & Organization, 24 (5), 472-486.

      • Ali, F., Malik, A., Pereira, V. & Al-Ariss & Al-Ariss, A. (2017). A relational understanding of work-life balance of Muslim migrant women in the West: Future research agenda. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28 (8), 1163-1181, doi:DOI 10.1080/09585192.2016.1166784.

      • Ali, F. & Kramar, R. (2015). An exploratory study of sexual harassment in Pakistani organisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32 (1), 229-249.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2013). Contextual emotional labor: an exploratory study of Muslim female employees in Pakistan. Gender in Management, 28 (4), 228-246.

      • Ali, F. (2013). A multi-level perspective on equal employment opportunity for women in Pakistan. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 32 (3), 289-309.

      • Ali, F., Özbilgin, M., Syed, J. & Torunoglu & Torunoglu, D. (2012). International transfer of policies and practices of gender equality in employment to and among Muslim majority countries: A study of Turkey and Pakistan. Gender, Work & Organization, 19 (4), 345-369.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2011). The white woman's burden: from colonial civilisation to third world development. Third World Quarterly, 32 (2), 349-365.

      • Ali, F., Syed, J., Özbilgin, M. & Torunoglu & Torunoglu, D. (2009). Rescuing gender equality from the false dichotomies of secularism versus shariah in Muslim majority countries. Women's Studies International Forum, 32 (2), 67-79.

      • Ali, F. & Knox, A. (2008). Pakistan's commitment to equal employment opportunity for women: a toothless tiger?. International Journal of Employment Studies, 16 (1), 39-58.

      • Ali, F., Syed, J. & Winstanley, D. (2005). In pursuit of modesty: Contextual emotional labour and the dilemma for working women in Islamic societies. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 1 (2), 150-167.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2018). Packages Limited: Organisational Culture, Employee Engagement and HRM, Under Review. Asian Journal of Management Cases.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2019). Aligning Organisational Growth and Core Values at Akhuwat, Published. Case Research Unit, LUMS, LUMS No. 05-788-2019-1, Case Research Unit, LUMS.

      • Ali, F., Bosch, A., Nkomo, S., Jabbour & Jabbour, C. & Haq, R. (2015). Practices of organising and managing diversity in emerging markets countries: Comparisons between Brazil, South Africa, India and Pakistan, InPress. Bleijenbergh, I., Hentonnen, E., Mills, A., and Bendl, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Diversity in Organisations.

      • Ali, F. (2010). A comparative study of EEO in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, Published. Özbilgin, M. & Syed, J. (Eds.), Managing Gender Diversity in Asia: A Research Companion, New York: Edward Elgar.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2019). Karton Limited: Organisational Culture, Employee Engagement and HRM, Published. Case Research Unit, LUMS, LUMS No. 05-783-2019-1, Case Research Unit, LUMS.

      • Ali, F. (2015). Gender equality in the workplace, Published. Syed, J. & Özbilgin, M. (Eds.), Managing Diversity and Inclusion, London: Sage.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2006). Emotion regulation and Muslim women at work, Published. Consequentiality Volume II: Mythology, Theology, Ontology, Florida: Tallahassee.

      • Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2005). Minority ethnic women in the Australian labour market, Published. E. Davis & V. Pratt (Eds.), Making the Link: Affirmative Action and Employment Relations, Sydney: CCH Australia Limited.

      • ali, f. (2023). Ali, F. (2023) Present the paper in Conference Transforming Business for Good' held in Dublin Ireand. June, 2023. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland (Northern).

      • Ali, F. (2022). Ali, F. (2022) EURAM Winterthur Zurich Switzerland,June, 2022.. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland (Northern).

      • Ali, F. (2016). Ali, F. (2016). Work-life Balance of Ethnic Minority Female Entrepreneurs in the UK, Entrepreneurship 2020, Workshop by Qatar-UK Research Networking Programme (Q-UKRNP). (2016). March 27- 29, Doha, Qatar. Academy of Management, Doha, Qatar.

      • Ali, F. (2015). Ali, F., Malik, A., Pereira, V., & Ariss, A. (2015). A relational understanding of work-life balance of Muslim migrant women in the West: Challenges and opportunities. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). 17-20 June, Warsaw, Poland.. Academy of Management, Warsaw, Poland.

      • Ali, F. (2015). Ali, F. & Murray, P. (2015). Agency in decision making and the coping strategies of Muslim women at work. Academy of Management (AoM) Conference. August 7-11, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.. Academy of Management, Columbia, Canada-British Columbia.

      • Ali, F. (2014). Ali, F. (2014). Mainstream employees' perspectives on diversity management: insights from Hong Kong. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 2-7.. Academy of Management, Valencia, Spain.

      • Ali, F. (2014). Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2014). The Arab-Salafi role model and Pakistani women at work, Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia, US, 1-5 August. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, United States of America.

      • Ali, F. (2013). Ali, F. (2013). Muslim ethnic privilege and women's employment in Pakistani organisations, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June24-29.. Academy of Management, Istanbul, Turkey.

      • Ali, F. (2013). Syed, J., & Ali, F. (2013). "Woman, not an object": A multilevel perspective on gender equality in employment in Saudi Arabia. In Afiouni, F., and Karam, C. (Symposium Organizers), Indigenous HR policy development in the Arab Middle East. Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.

      • Ali, F. (2011). Ali, F. (2011). A multi-level perspective on workplace experiences of women in Pakistan. Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, San Antonio, Texas, August 12-16.. Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas.

      • Ali, F. (2011). Ali, F. (2011). An exploratory study of sexual harassment in Pakistani organisations. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Rome, Italy, June1st-4th.. Academy of Management, Rome, Italy.

      • Ali, F. (2010). Ali. F. (2010). From rhetoric to reality: The policy and practice of equal employment opportunity in Pakistan, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Rome, Italy, May 19-22. Academy of Management, Rome, Italy.

      • Ali, F. (2009). Ali. F. (2009). A comparative study of EEO in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Equal Opportunities International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-17 July.. Academy of Management, Rome, Italy.

      • Ali, F. (2007). Ali, F. (2007). Legislative framework of equal employment opportunity in Pakistan. Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 3-8.. Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

      • Ali, F. (2006). Smith, S., Winstanley, D., Ali, F., & Syed, J. (2006). The moralisation of liking and loathing: Dividing practices in religious and academic life. European Business Ethics Network (EBEN-UK) and Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference. Academy of Management, Cambridge, Unknown.

      • Ali, F. (2006). Ali, F. (2006). Feminist movement and legal framework in Pakistan: Implications for equal employment opportunity. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Rockhampton, Queensland, December 6-9.. Academy of Management, Rockhampton, Unknown.

      • Ali, F. (2006). Syed, J., & Ali, F. (2006). Equal employment opportunity for women in Islamic society: A context-specific perspective. Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 11-16. Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.

      • Ali, F. (2005). Ali, F. & Syed, J. (2005). Multicultural feminism in workplace: An Australian perspective. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Canberra, December 7-10. Academy of Management, Canberra, Australia.

      • Ali, F. (2005). Syed, J. & Ali, F. (2005). The contextual dimension of emotional labour and working women in Pakistan. Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Honolulu, August 5-10.. Academy of Management, Honolulu, Japan.

      • Ali, F. (2005). Syed, J. & Ali, F. (2005). In pursuit of modesty: Emotion regulation and Muslim women at work. The 2nd International Conference on Consequentiality: Mythology, Theology, Ontology, Sydney, July 11-13.. Academy of Management, Sydney, Australia.

      • Ali, F. (2005). Syed, J. & Ali, F. (2005). Role of managing diversity in corporate governance in Pakistani organisations. The 2nd Annual Conference on Corporate Governance in Pakistan, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, June 3-4. Academy of Management, Lahore, Pakistan.

      • Ali, F. (2005). Syed, J., Ali, F., & Winstanley, D. (2005). Prospects for equal employment opportunity for women in Islamic society. European Business Ethics Network (EBEN-UK) and Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference, University of London, March 31 – April 1.. Academy of Management, London, United Kingdom.

      • Pereria, V., Ali, F., Malik, A. & Bono & Bono, C. (2018). Cui Bono? Cow Slaughter Ban and its Impact on Business and Society in India.